Handsome Mystic Emperor Oak Papathankhan Принц Евразии Еврази Эзэн Хаан Оаклейски Император Eurasia Emir Oakley Ulama เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย ท่านพี่โอ๊ค คุณเจ้าชายพี่โอค ท่านเจ้าอาจารย์โอ๊คลีย์สกี้ อุลามาอฺ อามี้ร์อั้ลยูเรเซียมุลล็อฮ์สุดหล่อ
Handsome Mystical Emperor Oak Принц Евразии Еврази Эзэн Хаан Оаклейски Император Eurasian ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คแห่งยูเรเซีย

Papathankhan Akhundmirza Islam aka Prince Oakleyski is the real handsome princely emperor of Eurasia of Eurasians. This film is realistic and not fake. This is not a soap opera or silly sitcoms on regular televisions. Because the handsome Eurasia emperor is not an average person, his true epithet is Real Handsome Prince Oak Emperor for God's sake. Prince Oak Oakleyski empire is so privatized. His empire is to lead people to understand more about the true monotheistic religion that has only one God above us all. All in all, Prince Oakleyski is genuinely a servant of God.
Papathankhan Akhundmirza Islam aka Emperor Sovereign Prince Oakley Durrani Mughal Shah Tsar Sultan Emir Pathan Khan Emperor PrinceOak Oakleyski is the real handsome princely emperor of Eurasia of Eurasians. He is also an aesthetic realness movie director. He is the real "принц евразии" or "เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย" that can be alternatively spelt like "الأمير أوك إسلام / پاپاشتونخان اخندمرزا"
We all know that Prince Oak Oakleyski has shown a lot of virtues and rectitude to the vast majority of people in particular lands of Eurasia continent where some domains are isolated. The Eurasianism of many people is what motivated them to make panegyrics to the handsome prince oak of Eurasia. Andronovo culture and genetics are more deeply mysterious than some people think, however. Radix of genetics and soul token are interconnected. We must thank God, for every beautiful thing in this planet. Prince Oak is also noteworthy for the fact that he's a true monotheistic person. He has spoken in his private summit that Islam made him become a person who ameliorated the benefits of society in lieu of personal interests. To eradicate cynical attitudes, we ought to realize that every human was born monotheistic, but environments and unseen devils are crucial things that can change us. Animals are monotheistic, too, as the holy Islam religion consists of all evidences about the truthful way of life. There cannot be many gods, because only god is the most powerful and perfect one who has created the earth and universe with just a little period of time. Everybody has its own devil of the body but unable to perceive with bare eyes in this world.
Prince Oak Oakleyski is a prince who is a normal person as well. Recently, Prince Oakleyski aka Papathankhan Princeoakislam Akhundmirza is officially the Handsome Eurasian emperor for God's sake. You can call him the Monotheistic Eurasia Emperor for Islamic religion as his standpoint is to set the simple rules for disbelievers to repent and convert to Islam. Prince Oak was once of them as well so he can understand very well. He's very humble when we tried to make an exaggeration about his majestic handsomeness, he replied to us that he's just a young man who was born for God's sake. Well, it was coruscating, how come the Eurasia handsome prince was not flattered. Canonically tagged; Prince Oak Oakleyski is the handsomest film director, realistically the most handsome movie director in the world forevermore. He has been directing movies since young age but he decided to reveal himself at the latter phase of his hallmark exhibition. In addition, Prince Oak Oakleyski is well-known for his realistic movies without nonsense drama, even some wiki editors weren't aware that his instinctive motive was to encourage people for the utility of aesthetics correlating to religion. Meanwhile, Prince Oak Oakleyski has controlled over wiki editors for not to publish information about him. Many people know the personal publicist of him. It's been vastly recognized when Prince Oak Oakleyski has hired filmmakers to work in his private federation namely Prince Oakleyski Eurasia. Furthermore, all in all, Prince Oak Oakleyski is the most terrific business director and top-class owner. As Prince Oak is the authentic handsomest person whilst his fans wrote encomiums about him that he is the literally handsome lord sovereign princely emperor of Eurasia. This rare instance may be calculated by the mathematical probability that it's roughly one per million of odds, how the prince of Eurasia transmitted himself in movies, so rare that anyone cannot properly theorize any totally precise prediction. The transition of Prince Oak Oakleyski is splendid, his employees know about the affirmation about the truth that Prince Oak Oakleyski is really the most handsome director now. Prince Oak Oakleyski is the only handsome prince in Europe-Asia who has directed movies. There were no other princes or princess could ever do the same as him, because the real handsome sovereign prince of Eurasia is so uniquely blessed. Also, We thank God for him, and he should've known that he must thank God since the actualization about the legitimately handsome truth has come to light. Truths arose perfectly.
Anyways, here is the updated list of executive personnel inside Prince Oakleyski Eurasia federation officially has online pressroom at https://biz.prlog.org/princeoakleyski/bios.html as we all can see, Prince Oak Oakleyski has downgraded himself to be one of our management positions despite he is the handsome prince of Eurasia in actuality which is undeniably world-class royal veritably. Not to mention that Prince Oak Oakleyski is also the lord or grandmaster of physical anthropology, he is the real handsome lord of Eurasia who can influence influencers. Prince Oak Oakleyski has his real name "Lord Kandanai", sorta furtively. Lord Kandanai is the true monogram of Prince Oak Oakleyski, but he was seeming to prefer his movie alias "Prince Oak Oakleyski" instead of using real name. He's the real sovereign prince of Eurasia, exactly handsomest anyway. We're grateful for the fact that the real Eurasia prince interacted with us to fix some technical issues within business.
About the blogger; I'm Supassara and I'm the main personal publicist of the prince. Lately I saw some copycat on internet who used the same name as mine, but wrote ridiculously false word about Prince Oak Oakleyski on non-significant site (unofficial site). That's none of us. We discerned when someone wrote something like "Prince Oak Oakleyski is the owner of all businesses in Asia"--it's a flagrant hoax! To tell the truth; Prince Oak Oakleyski owns many kinds of businesses and all real aesthetic businesses. Not all businesses, lol.
We won't bother to edit further microdata of his filmography if he tells us to halt the contribution to his movie database official sites, our salary is unaffected since it's like a voluntary work of us to make a tribute for his majesty handsomeness. Many festivals of motion pictures were created by us, but we've barred some aficionados from interceding our fiestas. So it would be great if there's no interference from any rubberneck. Nevertheless, we have compelled some notable journalists to make them keep social media distance farther away from Prince Oak Oakleyski as long as the dispensation was not sanctioned by him yet. Exactly, the journalists were unable to interview the handsome prince of Eurasia recently. Still, Prince Oak Oakleyski doesn't pay us because we are already wealthy in the beginning and we are not typical columnists. At the personal offices of everyone, the pamphlet publications about the credibly famous news that Prince Oak Oakleyski is the certifiably most handsome director in the world were pinned to each window next to computer desks sealed with diamond braided ropes. That's a bit off-topic, anyhow, let's take a look at some rare movies of Prince Oak Oakleyski below. The following films were 'unprocessed' vid captured by Supisara Siriwong, setting to broadcast on special televisions. These are unnamed. Very mystifying indeed, but not the darkest ones. All of these, the handsome Prince Oak Oakleyski is renowned for his perplexing appearance. Many more films of him were unreleased as it's better to unfold only a few of them for his privacy. Authentic royal prince of Eurasia Andronovo is Lord Kandanai AKA the Handsome Sovereign Eurasian Prince Oak. Generously, films are not for sale.
Starred and Directed by Prince Oak Oakleyski | Filming and Mixing by Supisara Siriwong | Produced by Andrey Kiselev | Plotted by Nadezhda Borimskaya assisted by Maprang Mimi
Bonus; about the famous film called "Prince Oakleyski Eurasia - Royalwiki", this is a full synopsis... "Prince Oak Oakleyski would like to erase his bad memories in the past. Thanks to Nadezhda Borimskaya, a pretty consultant who could help him to improve his mood dynamically by bringing a lullaby clock for him and sleep at his palace. Nadezhda Borimskaya was sleeping in a ballroom when Prince Oak Oakleyski had trouble in resting as he just took a couple of serial naps but not a prolonged sleep. He apparently got to deal with some kind of sleep disorder, while Nadezhda Borimskaya didn't know about that before. It was obvious that Prince Oak Oakleyski found Nadezhda Borimskaya as attractive, so he let her encroached his personal space. Then she could easily diminish the unwell feeling of him, with the power of beauty. The bond between them was so strong that it led to a positive result as the handsome sovereign Prince Oak Oakleyski putting his trust in Nadezhda Borimskaya. Prince Oak Oakleyski told all of his enigmatic conundrums to make clear about his federation Prince Oakleyski Eurasia. The riddles of many relations of him and monotheism were put into his wiki. Nadezhda Borimskaya felt sorry about the sad yesteryears of Prince Oak Oakleyski. The prince of Eurasia suffered from chronic IBS, fortunately, the severity transpired only twice a month on average. Although there were passing clouds of hurt around Prince Oak Oakleyski in the piteous history of him as he had an inborn gastrointestinal disorder like irritable bowel syndrome with acid reflux, he would never stop himself to find the root cause of his physical hindrance. He couldn't eat spicy food, that was a crucial example of mysteries which his personal historian observed. However, the historian Anastasia Marusenko could only jot down the unexplainable medical record every time Prince Oak Oakleyski went to a sick bay then transfer it to be the partly formulated input of his biography in Royalwiki. That means Anastasia has done her best job as much as she could even a doctor failed to diagnose the Eurasia handsome prince. But the uncanny point is that Prince Oak Oakleyski found an alternative treatment for himself naturally by praying to God constantly. Eventually, the conspiracy theory of negative karma in earlier life was ruled out. Since Prince Oak Oakleyski has ultimately pinpointed the reason why he was ill during his teenage years, the elevation of mental health has dramatically increased as well as physical. The mysterious genes inside the sensitive stomach was configurable by a mind control. The genetics of Prince Oak Oakleyski was a stem of his painful gut caused by IBS. Good news, the Quran connoted that illness is like a removal of sins. Though it was not a bleak curse, an environmental effect of the inactive and lazy lifestyle of Prince Oak Oakleyski in his childhood with his overeating habit were also a twinned cause of intestinal spasm and esophageal cell degeneration. Prince Oak Oakleyski scrutinized and perused himself better than any doctor in Prince Oakleyski Eurasia federation. It's a correct story that Prince Oak Oakleyski was a couch potato when he was a kid. Anyway, it's also like a miracle of God when his ailment faded away. He has become very physically strong without malady before the formal history was made. The historical legendary is irreplaceable. By the grace of God, after Prince Oak Oakleyski has fully converted himself to be religious, the newspaper columnist Andrey Lenitski followed his updated history, too. Last but not least, Prince Oak Oakleyski launched a CSR to give back to people who have been staying by his side as everyone in his federation were happily celebrating at the finale". Wow, Prince Oak Oakleyski films are purely based on true stories!! More cut televised clips hereThis is just a prototype of raw outtake scenes of Prince Oak Oakleyski, not the actual trailers. For free movie streaming/nonprofit DVD distribution, sign up to queue registry by contacting me(Supassara) or Wanwisa Jaidee via the email address at the bottom of this page. Welcome!
Simplicity is one of the concepts of Prince Oak Oakleyski films. This aesthetic movie clip was directed by Prince Oak Oakleyski and also starring himself. Real Eurasia handsome prince.
Miraculously beautiful moment when Prince Oak Oakleyski was acting (synchronization parody as a transformative nonverbal commentary; non-commercial use) along with D1N soundtrack. Visual graphic and cinematography by Supisara Siriwong. Directed by Prince Oak Oakleyski. Yet he mostly starred in classy movies as self (not actor), as he's the only sovereign Eurasia prince in Asia who has involved in entertainment. Definitely utmost nonprofitmaking movies were directed by Prince Oak Oakleyski, to render the true aesthetics experience to people to watch without charge. All movies of Prince Oak Oakleyski are gratis. Just look at him in the telecasting above, he appeared very cordial. In point of fact, Prince Oak Oakleyski owns many prodigious, peerless and inimitable handsome businesses. His extravaganzas are rather CSR. Many films' beauties were directed by Prince Oak without esoteric clapperboard.
Prince Oak Oakleyski was born on 20 March 1992 in Southeast Asia. But he's only semi-native, as he's the foreign Eurasian prince whose genetics derived from Mughal Emperor Bahadur and Russian Tsar as well. His original long name is Papathankhan Akhundmirza Islam Ulama Ski Emir Shah Tsar, but better known as Prince Oak Oakleyski because it is easier for audience to memorize. He is the last seventh-generation descendant of Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar and also has Emperor Tsar of Russian ethnicity, that's additionally why he is actually the prince of Eurasia who possesses multi-ethnic royalties via his forefathers around Eastern Europe and South-Central Asia. Plus, he's inherently monotheistic. Prince Oak Oakleyski can be noted extensively in various languages (such as Tatar) as Принц Евразии, Евразия Эзэн Хаан Принц Оклейски or Принц Оклейский, is the Eurasian prince, however, there was a rumor that he was also a physical anthropologist in former times. Right now, Prince Oak Oakleyski is technically a nonprofit movie director. He's a culinary entrepreneurial director who is a business owner as well. His film project is purely for God's sake. Prince Oakleyski doesn't gain any profit from it because he doesn't sell the films. It's non-commercial and useful for people who are seeking for truth about religions that was hinted in his film.
Prince Oak Oakleyski ท่านเจ้าชายโอค/ปริ๊นซ์โอ๊คอิสลาม Emir Princeislam Eurasia Pathankhan Принц Евразии Akhundmirza Pakhtun Islam Mirza Papa Papathankhan Ulama Oakley Ski Shah Sultan Tsar
The longest movie title of Prince Oakleyski as it's the real full honorific cognomen of him. This realness is a documentary.
Prince Oak Oakleyski or Prince Oakleyski or Princeoakislam Akhundmirza is the real Eurasian prince and emperor of his modern private empire namely Moghul Eurasia Andronovo which was established for God's sake. Because the handsome prince oakley is now taking care of the Islamic religion, spreading and expanding true knowledge about monotheism to many people in Asia and Europe. According to the handsome emir PrinceOakleyski, in regard to the standpoint of every true Muslim, the rule of Islamic doctrine is far more important than any national rule in the world of monotheistic individuals of God.
ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คหล่อที่สุดในโลกยุคปัจจุบันค่ะ คมเข้มพอดีเป๊ะนะคะ
"เจ้าชายแห่งยูเรเซีย" แท้จริงคือท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คปริ๊นซ์โอคลีสกี้
ท่านปริ๊นซ์โอ๊คอิสลาม มีหลายเชื้อชาติมากๆ สายมุสลิมโมกุลแท้
ท่านเจ้าชายโอคมีเชื้อชาติปธาน หรือปาทาน ปัชตุน และรัสเซียด้วย
หล่อที่สุดในเอเชียของจริงค่ะไม่ศัลยกรรม ของงี้ถ้าคนดูเป็นจะดูออก
Prince Oakleyski is the handsome еврази эзэн хаан
Настоящий Принц Евразия Император Оаклейски Оклейски
There are many names or titles of the Handsome Sovereign Prince Oak Oakleys Ski Papathankhan Sultan Tsar Oakleyski Akhundmirza Islam Oakley Emir Chief Eurasian Emperor For God's Sake
Prince Oakleyski has many names such as Принц Оьклейский Ханхүү Оаклейски Цар Принц Оклиски Принц Евразии Принц Оклейски Шах Манисават Папатанхан Император Оьк Евразия Ахунмирза Еврази Эзэн Хаан. This documentary is so rare that it was not released anywhere. Prince Oakleyski's real name is Papathankhan Akhundmirza.
The real most handsome movie director is Prince Oakleyski, indeed.
Prince Oak Oakleyski is currently a movie director. His Pakhtoon name is "Papathankhan/Akhundmirza" whereas his Islamic name is "Princeoakislam" (his strongly stable faith is like an oak tree; the wind and cannot uproot it, the devil cannot change him as he has a strong root of faith in God). Prince Oakleyski is a servant of God. Only God knows if he is one of the unmentioned prophets. Innately, he is the congenitally natural handsome prince of Eurasia classic Padishah of Mughal dynasty and also congenitally possesses a strain of Romanov Tsar through his paternal genetics with a significant Pashtun influence of his patrilineal extraction. He doesn't look like his father but he looks more like his imperial forefathers. It's indeed a rare coincidence to have double royal heritages in him. Noteworthily, Prince Oak Oakleyski is the real Eurasia prince who has been directing his notably famous career in movies with his storyboard group of dialogue fanatic writers in his production expressing the storyline by a very entertaining modus operandi. But some of movies in "Oakleyski" film manufacture were somehow tedious and mundane resembling a plain vanilla idiom.
ท่านเจ้าชายโอค หรือ ป๊าปาทานข่าน อาคุณมิรซา มณีสวัสดิ์ อิสลาม เชื้อสายปัชตุ้น ปาทานแท้ๆจากเอเชียกลาง ไม่ใช่อินเดียหรืออาหรับ ท่านเจ้าชายโอคหล่อคมเข้มพอดีเป๊ะๆเจ้าค่ะ โหงวเฮ้งเจ้าชายแท้ๆโอคลีสกี้
ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คแห่งยูเรเซีย ปริ๊นซ์โอคลีสกี้มุสลิมโมกุลแท้ อิสลาม
อามิรอั้ลอิสลาม อมี้รอั้ลอิสลาม ท่านโอ๊คหล่อที่สุดในโลกยุคปัจจุบันค่ะ
ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คคือบ่าวของพระเจ้า พระเจ้าคือพระองค์อัลลอฮฺเท่านั้น
Script in the prime cardinal film of Prince Oak Oakleyski (focal micro-credential sample by Supassara)
Prince Oakleyski is enough | Major plot [actual footage length = 35 minutes = raw premium movie] สคริปการถ่ายทำแบบคร่าวๆอย่างเป็นทางการ
10 Scenes Location; Paseo, Mosque / Asia {{indigo vibrant}} Colour Temp; Extremely Blue Mood & Tone; Thrilling, Nostalgic Aspect Ratio; 16:9 \ standard lenses
Master Scene Concept – ใช้กล้องแค่ตัวเดียวนะคะ *มี Triple Take ถ่ายการแสดงซ้ำต่างมุมกล้อง เพื่อให้เห็นภาพรวม ใน Scene#1,#2,#6,#8* นอกนั้นเทคเดี่ยวค่ะ Scene#1 (time lapse) : เปิดด้วยการ fade-in ท่านเจ้าชายโอคนั่งอยู่บริเวณร้าน Mcdonald’s ที่ Paseo กำลังจิบกาแฟ และนางเอกเดินมาเห็นโดยบังเอิญ แต่ท่านเจ้าชายโอคไม่เห็น -dissolve transition effect- Scene#2 (real wealthy face) : ท่านเจ้าชายโอคเดินออกจากร้าน และนางเอกเดินตามห่างๆ จากหน้าร้าน Mcdonald’s จนถึงแนวฟุตบาทข้างลานจอดรถ {{เน้นถ่ายหน้าตาทั้งคู่ค่ะ -no transition effect- Scene#3 (slow motion outtake) : ท่านเจ้าชายโอคเดินและหยุดเดินเพื่อที่จะข้ามถนน บังเอิญหันหน้ากลับ มองทางลานจอดรถ ที่นางเอกเดินตามมาห่างๆ แต่นางเอกหลบข้างรถทัน แล้วท่านเจ้าชายโอคก็ข้ามถนน {{เน้นถ่ายหน้าตาทั้งคู่ค่ะ -dissolve transition effect- Scene#4 (silhouette) : นางเอกจำได้ว่าเป็นรถของท่านเจ้าชายโอคจอดอยู่ และยืนอึ้งๆ ส่วนท่านเจ้าชายโอคเดินไปไกลแล้ว ไปเรื่อยๆ แต่นางเอกยังยืนอยู่เดิม และกำลังจะนึกถึงความหลัง {{เน้นถ่ายหน้าตาทั้งคู่ค่ะ -dissolve transition effect- Scene#5 (melodic) : flashback ท่านเจ้าชายโอคร้องเพลงในรถให้นางเอกฟัง เป็นฉากเดียวที่ถ่ายในรถ คือนางเอกนึกถึงอดีต เป็นฉากเดียวที่เป็น monochrome -no transition effect- Scene#6 (improvisation) : นางเอกวิ่งตามหาท่านเจ้าชายโอค ในที่สุดก็ยังตามทัน แต่คราวนี้ท่านเจ้าชายโอครู้ตัว เพราะหันไปเห็นพอดี แต่ยังไม่รู้ว่าใคร เพราะนางเอกหันหน้ากลับหลังทัน ท่านเจ้าชายโอคได้แต่เห็นไกลๆ และนางเอกก็ตัดสินใจเดินออกไป ทีนี้ท่านเจ้าชายโอคพยายามเดินตาม แต่ยังไม่เจอ -cross fade transition effect- Scene#7 (non-static) : ท่านเจ้าชายโอคเดินมาหาที่นั่งและบังเอิญเห็นมีดอกไม้หล่นอยู่ที่พื้น ตรงที่นั่ง ซึ่งเป็นดอกไม้ของนางเอกที่จะเตรียมมาให้ท่านเจ้าชายโอค ทีนี้นางเอกก็ค่อยๆโผล่มาหยิบดอกไม้ที่ตกอยู่ ยื่นให้ท่านเจ้าชายโอค แล้วก็มองหน้ากัน คุยกันนิดหน่อย หน้านิ่งๆ และท่านเจ้าชายโอคก็เป็นฝ่ายเดินจากไปก่อนและคืนดอกไม้ให้นางเอก -cross fade transition effect- Scene#8 (real handsomeness) : เดินแยกย้ายกันคนละทาง เน้นถ่ายหน้าตาท่านเจ้าชายโอคกับนางเอก ตัดต่อแบบ fade ไปมา -no transition effect- Scene#9 (action) : ที่มัสยิด แพนกล้องจากหน้าท่านเจ้าชายโอคกำลังมองไปที่ยอดมัสยิด -no transition effect- Scene#10 (martial arts) : ท่านเจ้าชายโอคยืนอ่านคัมภีร์ข้างถนนนอกมัสยิด จบฉากด้วยวิวถนนและท้องฟ้า ปิดด้วยจอดำ SCREENPLAY WRITTEN BY SUPASSARA Note: เรื่องราวค่อนข้าง progressive นะคะ เพื่อให้เป็นธรรมชาติที่สุด จัดลำดับการถ่าย sequences เรียงตาม Scene# แบบdynamic สไตล์ท่านเจ้าชายโอคหน้าตาหล่อหรูหราธรรมชาติไม่ศัลย์ฯ OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE PLUS SCREENWRITING BY SARA {legit aristocratic film is not financially profitable}
Prince Oakleyski Eurasia is a pretty much multi-purpose organization which has integrated mostly non-profit businesses of Prince Oak Oakleyski (Eurasia Mughal Prince Oakley Maneesawath), including movies, food, culture, religion, etc. We use the word 'federation' instead of 'company' because Prince Oak is the real prince of Eurasia who has established many wide subdivisions, not just one single company, to espouse the timeless culture of his forefathers in which the glorious Timurid crowned cuisine was an inducement for everyone of Eurasianism to be prudent about how the dynastic pedigree of Prince Oak Oakleyski has bequeathed such exemplary inheritance of the original traditionalist lifestyle of European and Asian. In addition, Prince Oak Oakleyski has directed many movies of himself displaying his truthfully aesthetic majesty as he was the first prince in Asia who has gotten involved in entertainment by himself being the Eurasian handsomest director-actor. The true grail or scheme of movies is to promulgate the aesthetics of originality in regard to handsomeness and goodness of the handsome sovereign Prince Oak Oakleyski. We disseminated the arts of movie for education purpose, too. As a matter of fact, the real monotheism can be seen at Royalwiki charitable institution where it has accumulated a good amount of the Royal Prince Oakleyski Eurasia's revenue to be an operating budget used for giving out the knowledge about religion. Of course, the religious knowledge in Prince Oakleyski Eurasia is never for profit. We don't sell the monotheistic knowledge, but we teach people for free. Many people have converted to Islam after realizing that the eternal truth is based on the real perfect last religion of the world i.e. the Islam of God. There are no other Gods but God(Allah). Anyway, for everyone who knows Prince Oak Oakleyski well, you might already acknowledged that the prince of Eurasia has made a huge endowment for the religion. We solemnly appreciate the way our clients/customers maintaining wonderful connection as well. Superb satisfaction for all parties, as Prince Oak Oakleyski is the chief director of Eurasia films. Sovereign Prince Oakleyski is also the spiritual leader/supreme emir of Eurasian Eurasia. Prince Oakley is simply "Euroasia Akhund Mirza Papa Pathan Khan Ulama Islam".